This post was originally published on my Medium profile : Golang-How to parse JSON data into a nested struct

Say you are fetching data from a RESTful API using GET requests and want to store the JSON responses. One of the ways to achieve this is by parsing the JSON data into a Go struct. The following example will fetch data related to standings of a football league, UEFA Champions League in this case.

RESTful API used :
You’ll need a free API key to access the data.

Construct a blueprint of the struct:

Here’s a useful tool that converts JSON to a Go struct type. I have removed a few fields to make the struct simpler. Each field is associated with a JSON tag.

Construct separate struct types for JSON objects that are arrays. In the following example a separate type is constructed for Standing and Table and the fields Standings is a slice of Standing i.e. []Standing and Tables is a slice of Table i.e. []Table .

type Competitions struct {
	Competition struct {
		Name string `json:"name"`
	} `json:"competition"`
	Season struct {
		CurrentMatchday int         `json:"currentMatchday"`
		Winner          interface{} `json:"winner"`
	} `json:"season"`
	Standings []Standing `json:"standings"`
type Standing struct {
	Stage  string  `json:"stage"`
	Type   string  `json:"type"`
	Group  string  `json:"group"`
	Tables []Table `json:"table"`
type Table struct {
	Position int `json:"position"`
	Team     struct {
		Name string `json:"name"`
	} `json:"team"`
	PlayedGames    int `json:"playedGames"`
	Won            int `json:"won"`
	Draw           int `json:"draw"`
	Lost           int `json:"lost"`
	Points         int `json:"points"`
	GoalsFor       int `json:"goalsFor"`
	GoalsAgainst   int `json:"goalsAgainst"`
	GoalDifference int `json:"goalDifference"`

Get JSON data from the API:

GetData function returns a slice of byte. It does the following tasks:

  • Makes an HTTP GET request;
  • Sets the “X-Auth-Token” in request header;
  • Sets up an HTTP Client that makes an HTTP request and returns an HTTP response, following the auth-token as configured.
  • Reads HTTP response body that contains JSON data and converts it to a []byte.

The []byte returned can be used to parse JSON encoded data into any struct type using [json.Unmarshal](

func GetData(url, apiKey string) []byte {
	request, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
	if err != nil {

	request.Header.Set("X-Auth-Token", apiKey)

	var client = http.Client{}
	response, err := client.Do(request)
	if err != nil {
	defer response.Body.Close()

	jsonByte, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
	if err != nil {

	return jsonByte


Parse JSON into the struct

Parse JSON into **Competitions** struct:GetStandings function takes the league id as an argument to build the final url and returns a Competitions struct that has the parsed JSON data in it.

[json.Unamrshal]( parses the JSON-encoded data that is in []byte and stores the result in the struct whose address is given by &s .

Note: To make successful GET requests, set the variable apikey.

func GetStandings(id string) (s Competitions) {
	/* id can be
	BSA Brazilian Division One League
	PL Premiere League League
	ELC Championship League
	CL Champions League Cup
	EC European Championships Cup
	FL1 France League 1 League
	BL1 Bundesliga League
	SA Italy Serie A League
	DED Eredivise League
	PPL Portuguese Primera Division League
	PD Primera Division League
	WC World Cup */
	url := "" + id + "/standings"
	apikey := "SetYourAPIkeyHere"
	d := GetData(url, apikey)
	err := json.Unmarshal(d, &s)
	if err != nil {
	//Uncomment this section to pretty print json on terminal
	/* 	data, err := json.MarshalIndent(s, "", "  ")
	   	if err != nil {
	   	fmt.Println(string(data)) */


Print the struct on terminal using the format verb %+v variant that will include the struct’s field names or use package spew that prints some additional information about the struct.

func main() {
  //id = CL for Champions League Standings
	fmt.Printf("%+v", GetStandings("CL"))
  //Or using package spew 